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“Website” means (, “Customer,” “You,” “Your” or “Yours” means and refers to You and/or any other person or entity submitting the Order to the Website or otherwise to the Company on Your behalf. “Company,” “We,” “Us,” or “Our,” means and refers to Peter Dick Trading Limited. The website wholly owned and operated by Peter Dick Trading Limited, “Product” or “Order” means any transaction that you make and/or submit through the Website or otherwise with the Company.


Your Use

Your use of this Website constitutes Your agreement to the terms and conditions set forth herein, and each and all of them (the “Terms and Conditions”). If you do not agree with any of these Terms and Conditions, do not use Our Website or the services provided herein and/or by the Company. In placing an Order with our Website and/or otherwise with the Company, You are acknowledging that You have read and fully understand these Terms and Conditions. By submitting an Order and/or payment, You are agreeing to be legally bound by these Terms and Conditions which form the entire agreement between You and the Company, and by using Our Website or any of Our services, You are warranting to the Company that You are at least eighteen (18) years of age, and are legally capable of entering into a legal contract.


Our Services 

By submitting an Order and/or payment, You are purchasing a limited personal non-transferable license from the Company for single use of the Product for Your own personal, noncommercial use only, which limited license, and any rights associated therewith are not assignable or otherwise transferable by You. You may not under any circumstances resell or transfer any rights to the Product to any person or entity, and any such sale or transfer is void and of no force or effect, and any attempt to do so will constitute a violation of these Terms and Conditions. All Products and all intellectual property rights inherent therein, derived therefrom and appurtenant thereto is and at all times remain owned by the Company, and to the extent, any Products are created by freelance writers, such writers have transferred all ownership, rights, title and interest, if any, regarding the Products to the Company. Payments for all Products are non-refundable and come with no warranties, expressed or implied, except as otherwise set forth below or on the Website.


Copyrights and Personal Use

The Products delivered to You are completely original in compliance with general academic requirements, and are and remain the property of the Company, and You agree and warrant that they are intended only for Your own personal use, and they shall not be copied, reproduced, republished, posted, displayed, transmitted, downloaded or uploaded and/or distributed by You in any manner or respect whatsoever. We retain the right to resell, reuse, replicate and/or re-distribute the Products at Our own sole discretion. We retain full ownership of the intellectual property that Our Writers create in producing the Products, if any, including all rights inherent therein, derived therefrom and appurtenant thereto and thus can use it for Our own purposes. All materials of any kind whatsoever provided to You by the Company through the Website and/or Our services, including all information, graphics, logos, documents and images, are and at all times remain the property of the Company.


Hold Harmless

By using Our Website and/or services, You agree that neither the Company nor any of its affiliates and/or partners, writers, employees, contractors, officers or shareholders shall be liable for any unethical, inappropriate, illegal, or otherwise wrongful use of the Products and/or other written material received from Our Website. This includes plagiarism, lawsuits, poor grading, expulsion, academic probation, loss of scholarships/awards/grants/prizes/titles/positions, failure, suspension, or any other disciplinary or legal actions against You or any other party or person. You are solely responsible for any and all disciplinary or other actions arising from the improper, unethical, and/or illegal use of a Product sold, and You hold the Company, its affiliates and/or partners, writers, employees, contractors, officers or shareholders and any other person or entity involved with Your product harmless from any and all claims, suits or demands, including attorney’s fees, made by any party, including You, due to or arising out of Your utilizing Our Product and/or services, Your violation or breach of these Terms and Conditions, Your violation of any rights of a third party, or any other act or omission by You.


Privacy & Security 

Your privacy and security are considered strictly confidential, and Your personal information is kept secure as set forth in Our Privacy Policy. Please see Our Privacy Policy on Our Website for further details. Our Privacy Policy is incorporated into these Terms and Conditions and made a part hereof.


Limitation of Liability, Release, Hold Harmless 

You agree to release and hold the Company and its employees, contractors, officers, directors, shareholders, agents, representatives, affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion and fulfillment agencies, any third-party providers or sources of information or data and legal advisers (the “Company’s Affiliates”) harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind whatsoever arising from or related to the Products, including but not limited to: (i) telephone, electronic, hardware or software, network, Internet, email, or computer malfunctions, failures, faults, defects or difficulties of any kind; (ii) failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed transmissions via computer, telephone, mobile phone or otherwise transmitted; (iii) any condition caused by events beyond the control of the Company that may result in the Product being delayed, disrupted, incomplete, or corrupted; (iv) any injuries, losses or damages of any kind whatsoever arising in connection with or as a result of utilizing Our services; or (v) any printing or typographical errors in any materials associated with our services. In addition, You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold the Company and Company’s Affiliates harmless from any claim, suit or demand, including attorney’s fees, made by You or a third party due to or arising out of Your utilizing Our services, Your violation or breach of these Terms and Conditions, Your violation of any rights of a third party, or any other act or omission by You.



Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to Your Order from the Company shall be determined by binding arbitration, with one arbitrator, in accordance with the rules of and administered by the American Arbitration Association. The said arbitration shall be conducted in English and You agree that the arbitration shall be confidential in order to provide protection for Your privacy and for the Company’s confidential information, and for the rights, property and matters set forth in these Terms and Conditions. Accordingly, except as may be required by law, neither You nor the Company, nor any party to said arbitration, or our respective representatives may disclose the existence, content, or results of any arbitration or other legal proceeding between us without the prior written consent of all parties. You and the Company specifically agree that the proper place for any such arbitration is the American Arbitration Association, Wilmington, Delaware. You and the Company hereby agree that either or both of us shall have the right to seek any emergency and/or interim relief, including injunctive relief, under American Arbitration Association rules. In any said arbitration You agree to accept service of process by mail at the address You use in Your Order (or at any different address of which You have notified the Company in writing). In any action in which service of process is made hereunder, You and the Company each waive any challenge to the personal jurisdiction of the American Arbitration Association in Wilmington, Delaware. Any judgment on any award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.


Acknowledgement of Your Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

By using the Website or any of Our services, or by making a payment to the Company You acknowledge that You have read these Terms and Conditions, and You agree to be and are bound by them.


Extra terms

1. If client did not deposit on time as stated by staff, a late charge of HK$200 per day will be imposed automatically without further notice. 


2. All the works provided by are for reference only. Your Academic Expert will not be responsible for any other usage of the work provided. 


3. reserves the final right to change the terms and conditions, and make the final decisions without further notice.

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